Popeye was hanging out in North Raleigh near two busy streets. He found a place where someone was putting out food for another stray cat and because he was hungry, he took some. Evidentially, the other cats in the area did not think much of that, which was pretty unfair since he was just trying to survive.
The man feeding the strays gradually gained Popeye’s trust and was able to pet him all over his belly. Popeye LOVED this. He hung around because he loved the man, the petting and the food. But the other cats hurt Popeye, we think, and damaged his right eye. The man felt it was time for Popeye to come to SAFE Haven.
This formerly “feral” cat was soon given all the medical care he needed and a warm, dry, safe place to stay. A place with loads of food and plenty of daily petting. He is such a happy cat today, as he sits in a sunny window in our new adoption center. Thanks to your steadfast support we were able to completely turn his life around.
Popeye needs the love, caring, and support of his own family and his own home. Is there any cat more deserving?